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Showing publications by Lisa M. Tittemore. View Lisa's Full Profile

  1. A Large Theft of Trade Secrets Sets a Record: The “Largest Damages Award on the books under the DTSA”

  2. Supreme Court Vacates and Remands the Lower Court's Ruling in Jack Daniel’s Properties Inc. v. VIP Products LLC

  3. Supreme Court to Hear the “Bad Spaniels” Case
  4. Will NFTs revolutionize patent law?

  5. NFTs – A Novel Challenge For Traders, Investors and Copyright Lawyers

  6. Trademark Infringement Remedies Just Got Snappier? United States Supreme Court Says Proving Willfulness Is Not Required For Recovering an Infringer’s Profits
  7. New Local Rule May Speed Up Patent Cases and Attract More Litigation to Massachusetts
  8. The Name Game: The USPTO and FDA approval process for the selection and protection of new drug names.
  9. The USPTO and FDA Drug Name Approval Process
  10. Trademark Rights in a Global Economy
  11. Hot Topics in Trademark Law: Trademark Rights in A Global Economy – Protection and Enforcement of Well-Known and Famous Marks
  12. Trademark Rights in a Global Economy: Protection and Enforcement of Famous and Well-Known Marks

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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